Maluku Province's Human Development Index (IPM) in 2022 reached 70.22, an increase of 0.51 points (0.73 percent) compared to the previous year's achievements. During 2010-2022, the average Maluku HDI increased by 0.74 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

Publikasi Provinsi Maluku Dalam Angka 2024 dapat diunduh disini 

Maluku Province's Human Development Index (IPM) in 2022 reached 70.22, an increase of 0.51 points (0.73 percent) compared to the previous year's achievements. During 2010-2022, the average Maluku HDI increased by 0.74 percent.

Release Date : December 1, 2022
File Size : 1.16 MB


  • The increase in the 2022 Maluku HDI occurs in all dimensions, both long and healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living.
  • This coincided with an increase in the Maluku HDI in the previous year which was supported by all dimensions. In 2022, the dimension of decent living as measured by the average real expenditure per capita (adjusted) will increase by 1.20 percent.
  • In the education dimension, residents aged 7 years have an expectation of 14.00 years of schooling (can undergo formal education), or the equivalent of completing education up to Diploma II level. this figure increased by 0.03 years compared to 2021 which reached 13.97 years. Meanwhile, the average length of schooling for residents aged 25 years and over has increased by 0.16 years, from 10.03 years to 10.19 years in 2022.
  • From a health standpoint, babies born in 2022 have the hope of being able to live up to 66.45 years, 0.36 years longer than those born in the previous year.
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