The Gini Ratio in September 2021 was recorded at 0.316 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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The Gini Ratio in September 2021 was recorded at 0.316

Release Date : January 17, 2022
File Size : 6.69 MB


  • In September 2021, the level of inequality in the expenditure of the Maluku population as measured by the Gini Ratio is 0.316. This figure increased by 0.002 points compared to the March 2021 Gini Ratio of 0.314 and decreased by 0.010 points compared to the September 2020 Gini Ratio of 0.326.
  • The Gini Ratio in urban areas in September 2021 was recorded at 0.302, up from the Gini Ratio in March 2021 which was 0.301 and the Gini Ratio in September 2020 which was 0.292.
  • The Gini Ratio in rural areas in September 2021 was recorded at 0.250, down from the Gini Ratio in March 2021 which was 0.258 and the Gini Ratio in September 2020 which was 0.285.
  • Based on the World Bank's measure of inequality in September 2021, the distribution of spending in the bottom 40 percent is 21.06 percent. This means that population spending in September 2021 is in the category of low inequality level. If broken down by region, in urban areas the figure was recorded at 22.35 percent and for rural areas the figure was recorded at 24.49 percent, which means that both of them fall into the category of low inequality.
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