The Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) of Maluku Province in January 2019 was 101.33, or decreased by 0.41 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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The Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) of Maluku Province in January 2019 was 101.33, or decreased by 0.41 percent

Release Date : February 1, 2019
File Size : 0.7 MB


The Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) of Maluku Province in January 2019 was 101.33, or decreased by 0.41 percent compared to December 2018 which was recorded at 101.74. This happened because It decreased by 0.002 percent, while Ib actually rose by 0.41 percent.

4 (four) sub-sectors experienced a decline in NTP: livestock (1.23%), horticulture (0.89%), fisheries (0.50%), food crops (0.02%). Agricultural commodities that experienced a decline / the biggest contributor to the decline were: food crops: rice; horticultural plants: cayenne pepper, red chili, long beans, kale, green beans, mustard greens, cucumber, petai, squash; smallholder plantations: cloves, cocoa; farms: pigs, goats, sheep, domestic chicken, domestic chicken eggs; fisheries: shrimp, mullet fish, mackerel fish, baronang fish, pompano fish, julung-julung fish, stingrays, anchovy, selar fish, gulamah fish, snapper fish and japuh fish.

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