Gini Ratio in Maluku September 2018 was 0,326 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Gini Ratio in Maluku September 2018 was 0,326

Gini Ratio in Maluku September 2018 was 0,326Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 15, 2019
File Size : 0.79 MB


September 2018 the level of inequality in expenditure of Maluku residents measured using the Gini Ratio was recorded at 0.326. Compared to March 2018, the Maluku Gini Ratio in September 2018 fell by 0.017 points, March was recorded at 0.343. The September 2018 Gini Ratio in urban and rural areas has decreased, which is 0.020 points and 0.003 points respectively compared to March 2018.

  As of September 2018, the distribution of expenditure for the lowest 40 percent of the population is 20.15 percent. This means that population expenditure is still in the low level of inequality category. If detailed by region, in urban areas the figure is 21.82 percent and the rural area is 22.49 percent. Both are categorized as low inequality categories.

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