Improve the Quality of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics in Maluku Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Improve the Quality of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics in Maluku Province

Improve the Quality of Implementation of Sectoral Statistics in Maluku Province

December 20, 2023 | BPS Activities

#SahabatData - The Maluku Province 2023 Sectoral Statistics Implementation Evaluation Implementation Team (EPSS), held a discussion of the 2023 EPSS Results for the Maluku Provincial Government by presenting an Internal Assessment Team including the Maluku Province Bappeda and the Maluku Province Communication and Information Service.
Taking place in the Maluku Province BPS Video Conference Room, the Head of Maluku Province BPS, Maritje Pattiwaellapia opened this activity, which was also attended by the Agency Assessment Team and the 2023 EPSS Quality Assurance Team for Maluku Province.
The Statistical Development Index (IPS) is the output of EPSS and even though the Maluku Provincial Government's IPS score achieved is still rated "Sufficient", it does not reduce the enthusiasm to continue collaborating between Data Trustees, Data Trustees, Data Forum Secretariat and Data Producers. This is done in order to improve the quality of implementation of sectoral statistics within the Maluku Provincial Government.

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