The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) is 6.88 percent. The Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) is 65.46 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

Publikasi Provinsi Maluku Dalam Angka 2024 dapat diunduh disini 

The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) is 6.88 percent. The Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) is 65.46 percent.

Release Date : November 7, 2022
File Size : 1.63 MB


  • The total workforce in August 2022 was 868,581 people, an increase of 8,237 people compared to August 2021. The Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) decreased by 0.29 percentage point.
  • The working population is 808,844 people, an increase of 8,089 people from August 2021. The jobs that experienced the largest increase were the Government Administration, Defense and Mandatory Social Security Sector (11,864 people).
  • A total of 296,834 people (36.70 percent) work in formal activities, an increase of 1.11 percentage points compared to August 2021.
  • The percentage of underemployed and part-time workers decreased by 0.95 percentage point and 0.08 percentage point respectively compared to August 2021.
  • The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2022 was 6.88 percent, down by 0.05 percentage points compared to August 2021.
  • There are 14,388 people (1.08 percent) of the working age population affected by COVID-19. Consisting of unemployment due to COVID-19 (2,236 people), Non-Work Force (BAK) due to COVID-19 (781 people), temporarily not working due to COVID-19 (617 people), and working residents who experienced a reduction in working hours due to COVID-19 19 (10,754 people).
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