Release Date | : | November 5, 2018 |
File Size | : | 0.84 MB |
The work force in August 2018 was 755,034 people. The population working in Maluku in August 2018 was 700,143 people. The Maluku Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) in August 2018 was 62.90 percent. Male LFPR is higher when compared to female LFPR. The August 2018 Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) was 7.27 percent. TPT in urban areas is higher than rural areas.
During the past year, the category of employment which experienced a decline in the percentage of the highest working population was the Government Administration and Service Category. In August 2018, 64.13 percent of the population worked in informal activities, and the percentage of informal workers rose 1.3 percentage points compared to August 2017. In August 2018, there were 29.88 percent of the population working not full (working hours less than 35 hours a week ) includes 9.36 percent of the unemployed and 20.52 percent of the part-time workers.
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