Poverty Profile in Maluku September 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

Publikasi Provinsi Maluku Dalam Angka 2024 dapat diunduh disini 

Poverty Profile in Maluku September 2020

Release Date : February 15, 2021
File Size : 0.89 MB


The number of poor people in Maluku in September 2020 was 322.40 thousand (17.99 percent). Compared to March 2020 the number of poor people has increased by 4.2 thousand people, while the percentage of poor people has also increased by 0.55 points. The role of food commodities towards the Poverty Line (GK) is much greater than that of non-food commodities (housing, clothing, education, and health). Both the Poverty Depth Index (P1) and the Poverty Severity Index (P2) have increased. This indicates that the average expenditure of the poor tends to move away from the poverty line and the expenditure inequality of the poor is getting bigger.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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