Release Date | : | May 6, 2019 |
File Size | : | 2.2 MB |
The Consumer
Tendency Index (ITK) of Maluku Province in quarter I-2019 amounted to 90.23,
which meant a decline in economic conditions in the first quarter of 2019 with
an optimism that also declined compared to quarter IV-2018 (Index of 116.31).
The ITK value
of Maluku Province in the second quarter 2019 is estimated at 121.17. This means that the economic conditions of consumers are expected to
increase in the second quarter of 2019 with a level of optimism that also
Related Official Statistics News
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The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Of Maluku Province In Quarter IV-2018 Amounted To 116.31
The Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Of Maluku Province In Quarter III-2018 Amounted To 111.82
Consumer Tendency Index (ITK) Maluku Province In The Third Quarter Of 2015 Amounted To 108.48
Onsumer Tendency Index (ITK) Maluku Province In The Second Quarter Of 2016 Amounted To 113.17
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