The Farmer Exchange Rate of Maluku Province in August 2018 was 100.41 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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The Farmer Exchange Rate of Maluku Province in August 2018 was 100.41

The Farmer Exchange Rate of Maluku Province in August 2018 was 100.41Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 3, 2018
File Size : 0.65 MB


The Farmer Exchange Rate (FER) of Maluku Province in August 2018 was 100.41, or decreased by 0.77 percent compared to July 2018 which was recorded at 101.19. This decline occurred because It decreased by 0.78 percent, higher than the decrease in Ib which was recorded at 0.02 percent. The sub-sector experienced a decline in FTT: smallholder crops (2.92%), food crops (1.33%), fisheries (0.46%).

Some agricultural commodities that experienced price declines/contributors to the decline were: food crops: grain, cassava, sweet potatoes, and green beans; horticultural plants: tomatoes, papaya, shallots, kale, beans, chayote; Smallholder plantation crops: cloves, cocoa, coconut, nutmeg seeds and coffee; fisheries: flying fish, skipjack fish, mackerel, tuna, grouper, julung-julung fish, gulamah fish, lencam fish, and jackfruit seed fish.

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