The economy of the Maluku quarter III-2017 grew 5.26 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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The economy of the Maluku quarter III-2017 grew 5.26 percent

The economy of the Maluku quarter III-2017 grew 5.26 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 6, 2017
File Size : 0.82 MB


The economy of the Maluku quarter III-2017 grew 5.26 percent (yon-y). in terms of production, growth was driven by almost all fields of business, with the highest growth being achieved by the Field of Large Retail Trade and Car Motorcycle Repair which grew 11.4 percent. On the expenditure side, the highest growth was achieved by the Foreign Component of Exports which grew by 11.01 percent.
               The economy of the Maluku quarter III-2017 increased by 1.68 percent (q-to-q). In terms of production, the highest growth in Construction Business Field was 6.52 percent.
Meanwhile, from the expenditure side achieved by the Component of Foreign Import of 4.9 percent.
              The economy of Maluku in quarter III-2017 (c-to-c) grew by 5.74 percent. In terms of production, growth is driven almost every business field to harness Electricity and Gas Procurement
which weighed a contraction of 2.87 percent. While the expenditure side is mainly driven by PK-LNPRT component which grew by 6.87 percent.

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