Farmer's Trade Rate Maluku rose 0.22 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Farmer's Trade Rate Maluku rose 0.22 percent

Farmer's Trade Rate Maluku rose 0.22 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 1, 2017
File Size : 0.29 MB


The Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) of Maluku Province in July 2017 was 100.85, or decreased by 0.22 percent compared to June 2017 of 101.07. The decrease was due to an increase in the price index paid by farmers (Ib) which was recorded at 0.47 percent, higher than the increase in the price index received by farmers (It) of 0.24 percent.
The highest NTP in July 2017 is still achieved by horticulture crop sub-sector which reaches 110.75 while the lowest is still in the subsector of plantation crops that remain at level below 100 that is equal to 90,20.
The decrease of NTP in July 2017 was due to the decrease of NTP in 2 (two) sub-sectors namely the smallholder plantation sub-sector by 2.22 percent, and the livestock sub-sector by 0.23 percent. While the other 3 (three) sub-sectors experienced the highest increase of NTP in the food crops sub-sector by 1.30 percent, followed by the horticulture crop sub-sector by 0.35 percent and the fishery sub-sector by 0.19 percent.
NTP Maluku Province with no fisheries subsector was recorded at 100.29 or down 0.28 percent compared to June 2017.
In July 2017, rural inflation occurred in Maluku Province by 0.55 percent, due to all expenditure groups experiencing rural inflation, the highest still in the foodstuff category by 0.80 percent, followed by the health group by 0.60 percent, By 0.52 percent, housing group by 49 percent, transportation and communications by 0.18 percent, food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco by 0.14 percent, and the lowest education, recreation & sports group by 0.04 percent .
Some of the commodities that contribute greatly to the inflation of rural Maluku are tembang fish, globe fish, fresh fish, kale, fruit tomatoes and green mustard greens.
Agricultural Household Trade Rate (NTUP) of Maluku Province in July 2017 was recorded at 122.96, an increase of 0.15 percent compared to June 2017 of 122.96.
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