Room occupancy rate (TPK) star in the Moluccas in January 2017 reached 25.98 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Room occupancy rate (TPK) star in the Moluccas in January 2017 reached 25.98 percent

Room occupancy rate (TPK) star in the Moluccas in January 2017 reached 25.98 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : March 1, 2017
File Size : 0.83 MB


           Room occupancy rate (TPK) star in the Moluccas in January 2017 reached 25.98 percent, down 2.49 points compared to December 2016. Similarly, when compared to the ROR in January 2016 when it stood at 41.68 percent, TPK star hotel in Maluku experience decline 15.70 points.

Room occupancy rate (TPK) non-star hotels in Maluku month of January 2017 reached 20.23 percent, an increase of 1.28 points compared to December 2016. Similarly, when compared to the ROR in January 2016 when it stood at 19.99 percent, TPK star hotel in Maluku increased 0.24 points.

The number of foreign guests staying at the hotel in Maluku during the month of January 2017 as many as 380 people, an increase of 33.80 percent compared to December 2016. As for domestic guests amounted to 7322 people, down 15.12 percent compared to December 2016. The number of foreign guests staying in non-star hotels in Maluku during the month of January 2017 as many as 101 people, a decrease of 66.77 percent compared to December 2016. as for domestic guests amounted to 16 794 people, down 20.27 percent compared to December 2016.
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