Farmer Maluku February 2017 increased by 0.45 percent compared to January 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Farmer Maluku February 2017 increased by 0.45 percent compared to January 2017

Farmer Maluku February 2017 increased by 0.45 percent compared to January 2017Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : March 1, 2017
File Size : 0.54 MB


          Farmer (NTP) Maluku province in February 2017 amounted to 100.02, an increase of 0.45 percent compared to January 2017 were recorded at 99.57. This increase was caused by rising index of prices received by farmers (It) by 0.74 per cent and rising index of prices paid farmers (Ib) by 0.29 percent.
           NTP highest in February 2017 is still going on horticultural crops subsector, which reached 112.72 while the lowest was in the NTP smallholder tree crops subsector which still remained at a level below 100 is equal to 91.25.
         The increase was contributed by the increase NTP NTP on 2 (two) sub-sector, which is still the highest in smallholder tree crops subsector amounted to 1.47 percent, followed by horticultural crops subsector by 1.28 percent. While food crops, the livestock sector and fisheries subsector NTP decreased respectively by 0.05 percent, 0.63 and 1.33 percent.
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