The number of poor people in the Moluccas in September 2016 as much as 331.79 thousand people (19.26 percent) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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The number of poor people in the Moluccas in September 2016 as much as 331.79 thousand people (19.26 percent)

The number of poor people in the Moluccas in September 2016 as much as 331.79 thousand people (19.26 percent)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 3, 2017
File Size : 0.44 MB


Number of poor (population expenditure per month is below the poverty line) in the Moluccas in September 2016 as much as 331.79 thousand people (19.26 percent). Compared with the poor in March 2016 amounted to 327.72 thousand people (19.18 percent), the poverty rate in Maluku province rose as much as 0.08 points and in terms of number, of poor people increased by 4,070 people.
When compared to the same month (September 2016 and September 2015), the Maluku province's poverty rate decreased by 0.10 points, (September 2016 amounted to 19.26 percent, September 2015 amounted to 19.36 percent). In terms of number, of poor people increased by 4,020 people (September 2016 as much as 331.79 thousand inhabitants, September 2015 total 327.77 thousand inhabitants).
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