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BPS Maluku is READY to Eradicate Corruption and Gratification

BPS Maluku is READY to Eradicate Corruption and Gratification

BPS Maluku is READY to Eradicate Corruption and Gratification

March 25, 2024 | Other Activities

Monday (25/03), at the Maluku Province BPS Hall, a hybrid socialization for the Eradication of Corruption and Gratification of the Maluku Province BPS took place. This activity was delivered by Mrs. Rohana Fabanyo.S.Pd., M.Kes, a Widyaiswara BPSDM Maluku Province.
Head of BPS Maluku Province, Maritje Pattiwaellapia, S.E, M.Si in his speech appealed to all BPS Maluku Province employees to take part in eradicating corruption and gratification within the office in accordance with the core value of an ASN with AKHLAK. Rohana said that gratification is the root of corruption so it is necessary to change the way of thinking to avoid corrupt behavior. Getting used to what is right, not justifying what is usual, is an important message conveyed by Rohana.

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