Ambon City's 488th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Ambon City's 488th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony

Ambon City's 488th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony

September 7, 2023 | Other Activities

Ambon City's 488th Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony
#SahabatData, On September 7 2023, Ambon City celebrates its 488th birthday. The birthday commemoration ceremony was held at Merdeka-Ambon Square under the theme Ambon Par Samua.

In his speech, Acting. The Mayor of Ambon, Bodewin Wattimena, stated that Ambon Par Samua is interpreted as a city that upholds inclusiveness. Where the city of Ambon is growing and developing, becoming part of various ethnicities, cultures, religions and other social communities.

Also present at the Ambon City Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony was the BPS Maluku Province Associate Expert Statistician, Erhard V. Hatulesila.

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