Training of SUSENAS MARET 2018 Officers - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Training of SUSENAS MARET 2018 Officers

Training of SUSENAS MARET 2018 Officers

March 14, 2018 | BPS Activities

SUSENAS enumeration officer training stage has been passed in March 2018, it is time for the following stages of training of SUSENAS processing officers in March 2018 implemented from 13-16 March 2018 at Hotel Amaris Ambon Jl. Diponegoro. Head of BPS of Maluku Province Drs. Dumangar Hutauruk M.Si. opening the training begins with directives to participants from BPS Kabupaten / Kota, Pak Pimpinan stressed that the IPDS team is not only responsible during processing but also must monitor the process of field enumeration whether it is appropriate SOP and methodology / condef taught by INNAS during training, and monitor the flow of documents in the District / City so that every document that has been directly entered the examination / editing-coding for the deadline processing and sending data entry to BPS RI on time.
Leadership Messages Message to keep health and do good communication / coordination with friends subject matter / TU in the implementation of every statistical activity in the Regency / City.
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