Maluku Province Farmers Exchange Rate 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

Publikasi Provinsi Maluku Dalam Angka 2024 dapat diunduh disini 

Maluku Province Farmers Exchange Rate 2022

Catalog Number : 7102019.81
Publication Number : 81000.2311
ISSN/ISBN : 2442-7179
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : May 12, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.24 MB


The 2022 Maluku Province Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) publication is an annual publication series published by the Central Bureau of Statistics for Maluku Province. The data presented is the development of the Maluku NTP in 2022 covering five sub-sectors in agriculture, namely food crops, horticultural crops, smallholder plantation crops, livestock and fisheries, and presents data on the development of NTP for ten provinces in the Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua (Sulampua) regions.This publication also presents concepts and definitions, methodology and explanations of the weight diagrams used in calculating NTP. Thus, data users are expected to have a good understanding of the process of calculating FTT as a measure of the exchange rate ability of agricultural commodities produced by farmers for goods/services consumed by farm households, and goods/services used to produce agricultural commodities.
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