Publikasi Provinsi Maluku Dalam Angka 2024 dapat diunduh disini 


Product - Publication

Maluku Province Development Fundamental Analysis

Maluku Province Development Fundamental Analysis

Catalog Number : 3102050.81
Publication Number : 81000.2218
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : June 17, 2022
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 7.21 MB


The publication of the Maluku Development Fundamental Analysis with a focus on the discussion on economic development in Maluku Province. Because in principle the development of a country/region fundamentally refers to the concept of linear growth, which includes the growth of Adam Smith and focuses more on the concept of economic development.This publication can provide a brief overview of the analysis of the basic sector, leading sector and sector potential in regional development. The analysis is expected to be used for the purpose of strengthening the implementation of the Maluku Province Mid-Term Development Plan 2019-2024.The analysis approach of the base sector and leading sectors as well as sector potential in regional development is intended to analyze which sectors have the potential to concentrate economic activity, then what sectors have the potential to be developed in a particular area and which sector is the dominant base sector. .
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