In April 2022, Ambon City experienced inflation of 0.72 percent. Tual City experienced inflation of 1.74 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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In April 2022, Ambon City experienced inflation of 0.72 percent. Tual City experienced inflation of 1.74 percent.

Release Date : May 9, 2022
File Size : 1.6 MB


  • In April 2022, all CPI Cities in Indonesia experienced inflation.
  • The highest inflation occurred in Tanjung Pandan City at 2.58 percent. The lowest inflation occurred in Gunungsitoli City at 0.22 percent.
  • Ambon City experienced inflation of 0.72 percent with a CPI of 110.99. Tual City experienced inflation of 1.74 percent with a CPI of 110.92.
  • Of the 90 CPI cities, Ambon City's CPI ranking dropped to 29th, while Tual City's CPI ranking rose to 31st. Ambon City's monthly inflation was ranked 74th, calendar year inflation ranked 85th, year-on-year inflation ranked 9th. Tual City's monthly inflation ranked 5th, calendar year inflation ranked 89th, year-on-year inflation ranked 67th.
  • The 10 (ten) main commodities that experienced price increases or contributed to the largest contribution to inflation in Ambon City in April 2022 include: air transportation, scad fish/benggol fish, mustard greens, white cigarettes, water spinach, gasoline, rice, selar fish/tude fish. , chicken eggs, and sweet bread.
  • The 10 (ten) main commodities that experienced price increases or contributed to the largest contribution to inflation in Tual City were: air transportation, anchovies, cooking oil, spring beds, tuna/ambu-ambu fish, filter kretek cigarettes, spinach, kale, cement, and eggplant.
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