The Maluku Province Farmer's Exchange Rate in August 2021 was 102.43, an increase of 0.71 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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The Maluku Province Farmer's Exchange Rate in August 2021 was 102.43, an increase of 0.71 percent.

Release Date : September 1, 2021
File Size : 1.18 MB


  • Farmer's Exchange Rate Index (NTP) is the ratio of the price index received by farmers (It) to the index of price paid by farmers (Ib).
  • The Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) of Maluku Province in August 2021 was 102.43 or an increase of 0.71 percent compared to August 2021 which was recorded at 101.71. The increase in NTP was caused by the price index of agricultural production (It) which recorded an increase of 1.16 percent, exceeding the increase in the price index purchased by farmers (Ib) of 0.45 percent.
  • In August 2021 Maluku Province was ranked 21st out of 34 provinces with an NTP of 102.43. The highest NTP occurred in Riau Province at 136.74; while the lowest NTP occurred in the province of Bali at 92.88.
  • There are two sub-sectors that experienced an increase in FTT, namely the smallholder plantation sub-sector (2.37 percent) and the fisheries sub-sector (0.44 percent). Meanwhile, three other sub-sectors experienced a decrease in FTT, namely the food crops sub-sector (-0.75 percent), the horticulture sub-sector (-1.00 percent), and the livestock sub-sector (-1.19 percent).
  • In August 2021 there will be an increase in household household size by 0.48 percent. The increase in IKRT was due to the increase in IKRT in the food, beverage and tobacco expenditure group; clothing and footwear; housing, water, electricity, and other fuels; equipment, tools, and routine household maintenance; health; and personal care and other services.
  • Maluku Province NTUP in August 2021 increased by 1.03 percent compared to July 2021, from 107.19 to 108.30.
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