In March 2021, Ambon City experienced inflation of 0.38 percent. The City of Tual also experienced an inflation of 0.20 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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In March 2021, Ambon City experienced inflation of 0.38 percent. The City of Tual also experienced an inflation of 0.20 percent.

Release Date : April 1, 2021
File Size : 0.78 MB


    In March 2021, out of 90 CPI cities in Indonesia, 58 cities experienced inflation and 32 cities experienced deflation.
  • The highest inflation occurred in Jayapura City at 1.07 percent. The lowest inflation occurred in Kota Tangerang and Kota Banjarmasin at 0.01 percent. The highest deflation occurred in Bau-Bau City with 0.99 percent. The lowest deflation occurred in Palopo City at 0.01 percent.
  • Ambon City experienced inflation of 0.38 percent with a CPI of 105.49. The City of Tual also experienced inflation of 0.20 percent with a CPI of 106.76.
  • Out of 90 CPI Cities, Ambon City's CPI ranking rose to 55th position. Tual City's CPI ranking also rose to 23rd position. Ambon City's monthly inflation was in 13th position, calendar year inflation was 78th, while year-on-year inflation remained at 90th position. Monthly inflation in Tual City is in the 26th position, the calendar year inflation is at 68th position, while the year-on-year inflation is in the 13th position.
  • 10 (ten) main commodities that experienced price increases or contributed the largest to Ambon City inflation in March 2021, including: cayenne pepper, tuna, selar fish, red snapper, liquid powder detergent soap, household assistant wages, raw tofu , chicken, spinach, and garlic.
  • 10 (ten) commodities that experienced an increase in prices in March 2021 and contributed the largest to Tual City's inflation were: tuna, cayenne pepper, recreation, selar fish, flying fish, shallots, baronang fish, eggplant, garlic and tempeh.
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