Maluku Province Farmer Exchange Rate in June 2020 amounted to 96.52, UP 0.87 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Maluku Province Farmer Exchange Rate in June 2020 amounted to 96.52, UP 0.87 percent.

Release Date : July 1, 2020
File Size : 0.48 MB


Maluku Province Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) in June 2020 was 96.52, or up 0.87 percent compared to June 2020 which was recorded at 95.68. The increase in NTP occurred because the increase in It by 0.92 percent outpaced the increase in Ib recorded by 0.05 percent.

In June 2020, Maluku Province NTP was 3.08 points below the National NTP level which was recorded at 99.60. The highest increase in FTT was achieved by Jambi Province (2.63%) while the highest decrease was experienced by West Kalimantan (2.33%).

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