Production of the Small Micro Industry (IMK) of Maluku Province for the period October-December 2018 rose 1.45 percent compared to the period July-September 2018 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Production of the Small Micro Industry (IMK) of Maluku Province for the period October-December 2018 rose 1.45 percent compared to the period July-September 2018

Production of the Small Micro Industry (IMK) of Maluku Province for the period October-December 2018 rose 1.45 percent compared to the period July-September 2018Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 1, 2019
File Size : 0.58 MB


Production of the Small Micro Industry (IMK) of Maluku Province for the period October-December 2018 rose 1.45 percent compared to the period July-September 2018. This positive growth was supported by the growth of production in the beverage industry; textiles; apparel; wood industry, wood goods, rattan wicker; printing and reproduction of recording media; furniture; and other processing.
               During the fourth quarter of 2018 some of the IMK that experienced negative growth were the food industry; chemicals and goods from chemicals; nonmetal excavation; metal goods not machinery and equipment; other transportation equipment; and repair and installation of machinery and equipment. Large and Medium Industries Maluku Province experienced positive growth in the fourth quarter of 2018 of 38.66 percent compared to the previous quarter, and increased by 19.05 percent compared to the same period last year.

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