The total rice harvest area in Maluku in 2018 is 23.32 thousand hectares with total production of 90.89 thousand tons of MPD - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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The total rice harvest area in Maluku in 2018 is 23.32 thousand hectares with total production of 90.89 thousand tons of MPD

The total rice harvest area in Maluku in 2018 is 23.32 thousand hectares with total production of 90.89 thousand tons of MPDDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 1, 2018
File Size : 0.58 MB


Based on the results of the KSA survey, the harvested area of rice in the Maluku Province from January to September 2018 was 17.72 thousand hectares. The highest harvest area occurred in January, which was 3.15 thousand hectares, while the lowest harvested area occurred in September with a harvested area of 0.41 thousand hectares. The rice harvest area in September 2018 was 0.41 thousand hectares, a decrease of 80.547 percent compared to the harvested area in August 2018.

In addition to calculating the harvest area at the time of observation based on the growing phase of rice, the KSA survey can also calculate the harvested potential for the next three months. Based on the results of the KSA survey in September, the potential for harvested area in October, November and December was 2.48 thousand hectares, 0.46 thousand hectares and 2.66 thousand hectares respectively. Thus, the total harvest area of 2018 is 23.32 thousand hectares.

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