Maluku exports in July 2018 reached 0.82 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Maluku exports in July 2018 reached 0.82 million

Maluku exports in July 2018 reached 0.82 millionDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : September 3, 2018
File Size : 1.13 MB


Maluku exports in July 2018 reached 0.82 million or a decrease of around 96.57 percent compared to exports in June 2018. Cumulatively the value of Maluku exports in January d. July 2018 amounting to US $ 27.00 million or an increase of 45.93 percent compared to the same period in 2017.

Maluku exports in July 2018 come from the non-oil and gas sector. Maluku export destination countries in July 2018 namely Hong Kong, Japan and the United States. The largest export to the United States was US $ 0.63 million. The total value of commodity exports from Maluku exported from ports outside Maluku in July 2018 reached US $ 0.53 million or decreased by 78.90 percent compared to June 2018.

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