Production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries of Maluku fourth quarter of 2016 increased by 7.82 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries of Maluku fourth quarter of 2016 increased by 7.82 percent

Production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries of Maluku fourth quarter of 2016 increased by 7.82 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 14, 2017
File Size : 0.46 MB


            Production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries quarter (q-to-q) of Maluku Province fourth quarter of 2016 increased by 7.82 percent, with a cumulative growth (c-to-c) of 23.55 percent and annual growth (y-on- y) amounted to 24.04 percent. While the growth of industrial production for the manufacturing of micro and small national level IV quarter 2016 quarter (q-to-q) grew by 0.51 percent, the cumulative growth (c-to-c) of 5.78 percent and annual growth (y -on-y) of 4.88 percent.
          Growth in industrial production manufacturing of micro and small fourth quarter of 2016 in Maluku is dominated by the textile industry (ISIC 13), Garment Industry (ISIC 14), Manufacture of Wood, Articles of Wood, Articles of Wood and Cork (Excluding Furniture) and Goods Matting of Bamboo, Rattan and the like (ISIC 16), Industrial Printing and Reproduction of Recorded Media (ISIC 18), and Metals Industry Association (ISIC 24) with quarterly production growth above 30 percent.
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