Production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries quarter (q-to-q) Maluku province the third quarter of 2016 increased by 6.33 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries quarter (q-to-q) Maluku province the third quarter of 2016 increased by 6.33 percent

Production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries quarter (q-to-q) Maluku province the third quarter of 2016 increased by 6.33 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 1, 2016
File Size : 0.66 MB


Production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries quarter (q-to-q) Maluku province the third quarter of 2016 increased by 6.33 percent, with a cumulative growth (c-to-c) of 23.36 percent and annual growth (y-on- y) amounted to 22.93 percent. While production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries to the national level the third quarter of 2016 quarter (q-to-q) grew by -2.06 percent and annual growth (y-on-y) of 5.75 percent.

Production growth of micro and small manufacturing industries third quarter of 2016 in Maluku is dominated by the Drinks Industry (ISIC 11), and Industrial Printing and Reproduction of Recorded Media (ISIC 18) with quarterly production growth above 10 percent. Industrial production growth of manufacturing large and medium-quarter (q-to-q) Maluku province the third quarter of 2016 grew by 2.91 percent, while the annual growth (y-on-y) rose by 9.57 percent.

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