The number of guests staying at the hotel in Maluku during the period from January to November 2015 is as many as 94 431 people - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

Publikasi Provinsi Maluku Dalam Angka 2024 dapat diunduh disini 

The number of guests staying at the hotel in Maluku during the period from January to November 2015 is as many as 94 431 people

The number of guests staying at the hotel in Maluku during the period from January to November 2015 is as many as 94 431 peopleDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 5, 2016
File Size : 0.38 MB


Room occupancy rate (TPK) Maluku star hotel in November 2015 was 94.36 percent. TPK-star hotel in Maluku period January - November 2015 reached 64.80 percent.

The number of guests staying at the hotel in Maluku during the month of November 2015 is as many as 9,450 people, with the details of foreign guests as many as 501 people and domestic guests as many as 8949 people.

The number of guests staying at the hotel in Maluku during the period from January to November 2015 is as many as 94 431 people, with the details of foreign guests as many as 5,306 people and domestic guests as many as 89 115 people.

The average length of stay at the hotel in November 2015 was 2.63 days, with the details of foreign guests and domestic guests of 4.72 days 2.52 days.
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