Maluku exports from January to October 2015 to reach a value of approximately US $ 33.50 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Maluku exports from January to October 2015 to reach a value of approximately US $ 33.50 million

Maluku exports from January to October 2015 to reach a value of approximately US $ 33.50 millionDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 2, 2015
File Size : 0.49 MB


           In October 2015 the Moluccas not export activities. So when compared with September 2015 the value of exports decreased by 100 percent. Likewise, when compared with the export value in October 2014 (US $ 7.02 million), also a decline of 100 percent.
            Maluku exports from January to October 2015 to reach a value of approximately US $ 33.50 million. If the value is compared with the value of exports from January to October 2014 amounted to US $ 141.41 million, a decrease 76.31 percent.
            Maluku exports in January-October 2015 is derived from the commodity group of fish and shrimp, mineral fuels and other commodities. The main export destination countries Maluku period from January to October 2015 was China (US $ 16.54 million), followed by Rep. Korea (US $ 13.30 million).
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