Production of rice in 2015 (Forecast II) is expected to rise as much as 5,200 tons (5.06 percent) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Maluku Province

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Production of rice in 2015 (Forecast II) is expected to rise as much as 5,200 tons (5.06 percent)

Production of rice in 2015 (Forecast II) is expected to rise as much as 5,200 tons (5.06 percent)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 3, 2015
File Size : 0.62 MB


           Production of rice in 2015 (Forecast II) is estimated at 107 961 tonnes of milled rice (GKG) or increased by 5,200 tons (5.06 percent) compared to 2014. The increase in production is expected to occur due to an increase in productivity by 5.49 quintal / hectare (11 , 55 percent).
           Maize production in 2015 (Forecast II) is estimated at 14 108 tons of dry seed or increased by 3,540 tonnes (33.50 percent) compared to 2014. The increase in production is expected to occur due to an increase in productivity by 14.81 quintal / hectare (53.18 percent) ,
          Soybean production in 2015 (Forecast II) is estimated at 995 tons of dry beans or increased by 417 tonnes (72.15 percent) compared to 2014. The increase in production is expected to occur due to the increase in harvested area covering an area of 505 hectares (110.50 percent).
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